AGM Institute of Paramedical Sciences is one of the premium Institute in India coordinating professional learning experiences and training for students in the field of Paramedical Sciences. Paramedics can be defined as a practice in the field of medical science that deals with pre- hospital emergency services. The increasing demand of skilled paramedical professionals has opened up several career opportunities for young aspirants.
In addition, a boom in the health sector not only in India but also globally, has created a tremendous demand of skilled medical and paramedical staff all over the world. India has become the largest provider of paramedical staff internationally. Paramedical staff is the most important integral part of any health system required for its smooth and efficient functioning. Having realized the need of qualified paramedics in the field of health care we have ventured to start an institute known as Indian Institute of Paramedical Sciences with City Hospital & Trauma Centre being the attached hospital.
BSS Voccational Education Mission as an alternative education system is established firmly in India with a mission to take education to the doorsteps of the learners , enhancing social equality and creating flexibility for life long learning. BSS for the streangthening of its Vocational Education Programme has collaborated with Indira Gandhi National Open Univarsity (IGNOU) to remain as the eduational partners/ collaborators of IGNOU throughout the nation and abroad and also collaborated with Mahatma Gandhi University Meghalaya to offer various skill development courses through BSS community colleges. Apart from this BSS is the Parent Organization of Jan Shikshan Sanstan, Kottayam sponsered by the ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The objective of the BSS Voccational Educational programme is to ensure that educational opportunities for development of vocational skills and knowhow are provided to learners so as to enable them to become entrepreneurs capable of running their own businesses.
The emphasis of BSS vocational educational programme is on developing a cadre of skilled small entrepreneurs , capable of being job providers rather than job seekers, by turning the unskilled to the skilled.
BSS Voccational courses are offered at pre-primary, primary, secondary, senior secondary and post senior seconndary levels. The pre primary and pre secondary in the nature of expossure to the world of work and are linked to the baic education programme. Life enrichment courses are also offered as non credit courses under the vocational stream. Vocational courses are generaly offered as noncredit courses under the vocational stream. Voccational courses are generally offered through accredited Vocational Training Centers (VTC) and community colleges. IN VTC, the teacher (i) facilitates in the learnin process, (ii) provides guidence and counselling, (iii) monitors and evaluates learning, (iv) provides feedback and (v) helps the learners to develop the recquired skills.
The vocational courses of BSS are offered in a range of broad areas such as agriculture, technology, Health services , travel and tourism, shipping, aviation , ayurveda, home science , business and commerce, computer science, IT, teacher training and library scince amongst others. The range of courses has been expanding over the years depending upon learner needs and market demands. The present courses relate to both urban and rural sectors.
The community colleges are still in in infancy in India and are trying to carve out a local and indigenous identity , though this concept attained optimum level in the developed nations and many other developing nations. It is in the light of this circumstance which demands the establishment of community colleges as a mission movement. These colleges aim at providing job oriented , work related and skill based education to empower the disadvantaged and under privilaged. This is to be done through appropriated skill leading to grainful employment in collaboration with local industry and the community. The target group of the community college includes school dropouts , secondary and higher secondary pass outs, rural youths , rural women existing workforce that wants to update its skills and all others interested in skill based and need based education.
Curricula for diploma programme consists of life skills , work skills, internship or hands on experience and preparation for employment. Curriculam for every job oriented programme is supposed to be developed in collaboration with field practices after systematic need analysis through a sample survey using exploratory methodology. Courses offered in community colleges may be catagorized under broad areas of health , rural development, agriculture, technical and non technical including those meant for self employment and small business development.
Non- investment in tool , machinery and equipment seemed to facilitate in changing courses more frequently. The community college within an institutional complex run by same management may utilized the manpower as well as infrastructural facilities for work skills. Work skills are invariably taught in actual work situations – the industry/office /hospital.
The industrial partners send their staffs to teach the work skill component in college as guest lecturers. All students are placed in industries for hands on experience with the active involvement of industrial partners. In rural and remote areas where there are no industries , community college have gone for rural enterprises conductive for self employment like training in native medicines , bee keeping, herbal farm or poultry.
The community colleges practice flexibility in terms of age, entry qualifications, fee structures, duration of hand on experience and training for practicals. The courses are based on need analysis taking into consideration the employment opportunities in the locality. At present , the students of community certificate of successful completion by individual community college based on the tests and examination conducted by the college internaly and by the assesment of practicals for work skills by the industrial partners.
By implementing VTCs and community colleges at the national level, BSS envisages a national programme with national programme with yearly manpower or human resource output that can change the national employment scenario by the year 2020. The planning and implementation of the programme of community colleges/ VTCs is through the national network of BSS. All the state offices of BSS, existing organizational facilities, strength and infra structural facilities will be utilized to the optimum for the implementation of this programme. Each VTC/ community college will function as a Regional Resource Centre which undertakes even research and development of training programmes. The courses and curriculum is designed at the national level by the BSS Acadamic Council and is imparted through VTCs/ community colleges. The central Examination board will conduct the national level examination and be the in charge of certification.